AI Proficiency Becomes a Must-Have as Companies Prioritize AI Integration

Most of the companies are asking their new tech hires the mandatory question: Do they know how to work with AI? 1 in 4 tech job postings in the US are seeking people who know how to work with AI because most of the companies are now integrating AI into their workplaces so they need the workforce who knows how to work with artificial intelligence. Many of the companies in the information sector are investing a lot in AI, and the data shows that AI skills were the common factor in 36% of the IT-related jobs posted in January in the US. Many other companies related to finance, consulting firms, and banks are also looking for employees who know how to build and work with AI models and algorithms.

This trend is not only seen in high-tech companies because many low-tech companies are also seeking candidates with AI knowledge. OpenAI’s ChatGPT was the biggest turning point in the job market, and since then, firms and companies have been incorporating AI so their work can become quick and efficient. AI job markets were present before ChatGPT as well, but the release of this chatbot diffused the job market more.

AI roles are rising in various industries, such as a retailer hiring a data science director for store layout optimization, a utilities analyst needed for wildlife risk assessment, and a drugmaker hiring a programmer for computational chemistry. Companies are not only hiring employees for AI-focused roles, they just need someone who can use their own AI skills in work roles. AI job listings made 1.3% of all job listings in January. On the other hand, tech-related jobs made 5.4% of the job openings.

Ever since ChatGPT was released, there has been a 68% increase in AI-related job postings while tech-related job postings have declined 27%. Engineers without AI skills are still able to find jobs easily, and they are also landing roles faster than the average worker. But AI expertise can contribute to higher salaries and more job security.

Read next: AI’s Growing Influence on Workplaces Sparks Concerns Over Declining Critical Thinking
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