New Survey Shows What Most People Think of AI and AI Generated Content

The researchers from Rutgers University conducted a study to find out people’s view of AI and AI-created content in their daily lives. The analysis found that most Americans have mixed feelings about AI so the researchers wanted to understand the opinion of people on AI in their everyday life. It was found that 47% of Americans trust AI to benefit the public as compared to 39% who said the same about social media and 42% who said the same about Congress. 52% of men and 43% of women trust AI and younger adults between the ages of 25 and 44 trust AI the most (55%). Urban residents (53%) trust AI more than people living in rural areas (38%).

The research also tried to understand how much people trust businesses who are using AI and it was found that 50% trust businesses to use AI responsibly. This trust was seen the highest among people with graduate degrees and who are earning more than $100K (65%). 53% of the people living in urban areas trust businesses who are using AI as compared to 42% of people from rural areas. 48% of the respondents also trust news generated by AI while 62% trust mainstream journalists, showing that people trust human journalists over AI generated news.

Young adults said that they are more confident in recognizing AI generated content, with 13% of overall respondents saying that while 30% feel only somewhat confident. 26% also said that they are very familiar with AI as compared to 63% who do not feel very familiar with it. Men, young adults and educated people are the most familiar with AI. When respondents were asked to take an assessment on their knowledge for AI, the average score was 3.3 out of 8 with people with higher education getting the highest scores.

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