Job Trends In The Spotlight: AI Is Transforming Industries And That’s Causing Skills to Become Obsolete

In case you didn’t already know, AI is here to stay and it's transforming many industries. The news might be great for some but for others, that signals trouble as some jobs and skills could soon become obsolete.

Thanks to a new report from the World Economic Forum for Future Jobs, we’re getting more insights on which jobs are in demand and which have the potential to make it big in the next couple of years.

The report shared insights from more than 1,000 executives from around the globe who took part in surveys. They represented more than 14 million workers arising from 55 different economies. Most of them believed in AI and its related tech which would majorly alter the way businesses work by 2030.

The detailed report featured a lot of findings but we’ve summarized them for our readers below.

For starters, AI and information processing are set to make way for 11 million new jobs. However, it would unfortunately also displace 9 million and that would give us a net job growth in the world of AI. Secondly, robotics and autonomous systems would get replaced and so many positions would provide support for robotic endeavors. Lastly, 60% of all firms will broaden digital access and make it an integral part of their daily operations.

Furthermore, don’t underestimate the power of mankind, the report adds. New opportunities for jobs are on the rise and it will emerge in regards to big data, human-based roles, and the realms of cybersecurity. This includes more roles requiring human input like customer service with talent management.

As per the report, tech-based roles are set to grow the most in the next five years. This includes the likes of big data specialists, fintech experts, AI specialists, those working inside data warehouses, software developers, security specialists, and experts in electric vehicles. At the same time, data analysts, DevOps engineers, and experts in the realm of renewable energy would also be in high demand.

Tech workers are growing and they’re more in demand thanks to the rise in companies adopting AI for processing and robotics. So the report did highlight both AI and big data as necessary skills for growth and success.

Jobs that promote a green and healthy environment will also be in major demand as the focus on sustainability is certainly the way the world is heading with climate change at its peak.

Another interesting aspect of this report shared how tech jobs grew the fastest and figures proved that, but it was actually frontline roles that would see the greatest rise. Amongst those positions include farmworkers, salespersons, software developers, agricultural workers, educational workers, and those in the medical sector like doctors and nurses.

Now as the realm of jobs does transform, the skills to perform them with success also evolve. This report shared how workers could see nearly 39% of their total skills get outdated in the next couple of years.

That skill stability keeps slowing down when compared to some predictions made from past versions of this report. But for the top skills in demand for this year, we’ve got a list featuring some important pointers.

This includes AI and big data, tech literacy, leadership, cybersecurity, curiosity, critical thinking, flexibility, environmentally friendly, lifelong learning, creativity, and system thinking. However, those skills that might not be as popular as in the past include precision, dexterity, writing, math, and reading which are very basic but not as popular.

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