Ever since its founder’s arrest in France, Telegram was under a great deal of pressure to help clean up its act. Pavel Durov was arrested and now faces a great number of charges for sharing harmful content online through the messaging platform.
The company confirmed it was conducting a crackdown in September and now it has boldly stated a successful outcome. As per the platform, it managed to get rid of 15.4M groups as well as channels linked to questionable material. This includes scams and terrorism on the rise this year.
The company allotted most of its success to the best AI moderation tools that enabled it to do the job quickly and efficiently. This news came in the form of a newly published moderation page that the app created. The goal was linked to better moderation efforts which the public may enjoy as shared by the founder’s Telegram channel.
Ever since the arrest which took place in August, there has been a rise in enforcement measures and the page confirmed these stats recently. For now, Durov’s case related to the long list of charges linked to Telegram still pends. However, he was released from prison after paying a whopping 5 million Euro bail.
Image: DIW-Aigen
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The company confirmed it was conducting a crackdown in September and now it has boldly stated a successful outcome. As per the platform, it managed to get rid of 15.4M groups as well as channels linked to questionable material. This includes scams and terrorism on the rise this year.
The company allotted most of its success to the best AI moderation tools that enabled it to do the job quickly and efficiently. This news came in the form of a newly published moderation page that the app created. The goal was linked to better moderation efforts which the public may enjoy as shared by the founder’s Telegram channel.
Ever since the arrest which took place in August, there has been a rise in enforcement measures and the page confirmed these stats recently. For now, Durov’s case related to the long list of charges linked to Telegram still pends. However, he was released from prison after paying a whopping 5 million Euro bail.
Image: DIW-Aigen
Read next: Instagram Head Mosseri Urges Social Media Users to Verify Sources Amid Growing AI Content Deception