Selling What You Haven’t Decided: The Alarming Reality of AI’s Intention Economy

We’re already living in an era where AI assistants are prevalent but wait, this is just the start of the madness. As per a new study, the future will include persuasive technology where AI assistants can make our decisions during an early stage.

They will then be able to sell those intentions to firms in real time so their needs are met well before time, including before their own minds settle on the decision. As per researchers from the University of Cambridge, it’s called a troubling period ahead where the Intention Economy will bloom.

This means the human race is in danger of being taken over by machines and that gives rise to a bothersome marketplace where you can’t only buy movie tickets but also buy the ability for AI assistants to make the decision for you. How’s that for some ironic news this morning?

The authors of the study hail from Cambridge University’s LCFI department. They argued more about explosions in generative AI and how it has a lot to do with chatbots getting familiar with the world and acting like real assistants.

These might range from digital tutors and your next lover to more - as they will have the power to interact and get more behavioral insights through dialogue. This kind of AI will use knowledge of human online behavior to develop a certain kind of trust.

So what you end up with is a new kind of understanding about AI assistants in your daily lives. As far as what kind of interests these can serve are concerned, well, it’s not difficult to realize that they note down human patterns.

Our talking styles and the inferences we make are all a part of this. They can record all kinds of intimate details without humans noticing and that’s a big deal. But it does raise the alarm about what’s next.

AI tools are already on the rise to collect, comprehend, record, and predict the future. They can even manipulate users and modify the plans and intentions of us all. For so many decades, the attention was most people’s focus. Now, this new intention economy will give rise to social media apps that can drive the whole online world.

If not regulated in the right manner, it could consider the human’s motivations as their new currency. And before you realize it, this will be a gold mine for those in charge of selling human intentions to other companies.

The study warns against the move so we’re more aware of what the future holds and take the right steps to prevent this. Advertisers might be able to profit the most from human intentions but not everyone can benefit. LLMs would target a user’s age, political likes, online history, and more for the sake of flattery.

When you come to think of it, selling human intentions and desires is scary because even we don’t know what they might be. They can be destructive so the key right now is to determine how it can be prevented from walking on the wrong path.

Image: DIW

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