Survey Reveals Gen-Z Heavily Relies On Influencers For Information, With 22% Following Over 50 Influencers

According to Morning Consult data, most of the Gen-Z go to influencers' content for information on almost every topic. The data shows that 22% of the Gen-Z follow more than 50 influencers on social media while only 11% US adults do so. This shows that influencers are a big source of motivation and information for Gen-Z. 22% of the Gen-Z in the USA follow 1 to 5 influencers, while 20% follow 6-10 influencers on social media.

The respondents were also asked if they want to see more or less content from influencers on social media. 9% of the US adults answered that they want to see a lot more content from influencers while 14% of Gen-Z adults said that. 17% of the Gen-Z also said that they want to see a little more content from influencers. This makes about 32% of the Gen-Z who want to see more content from influencers on social media.

Gen-Z wants to know everything from influencers. The data shows that media recommendations, dating, lifestyle and health are the topics Gen-Z are most interested in hearing from influencers. 66% of the Gen-Z also reported that they have frequent real-life discussions on the topics they hear influencers talking about online. 57% or 3 in 1 Gen-Z also said that they would be ready to become an influencer if they are given the opportunity.

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