Nvidia’s CEO Says AI Will Do Some Jobs Thousand Times Better But Can Never Replace Human Roles

The debate surrounding AI and its potential to replace humans in the future continues in the tech world. The latest on this front comes from Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang who spoke about his personal opinions on the controversial matter.

According to Huang, AI can do some jobs a thousand times better than humans. However, it can never replace the actual humans carrying out those specific roles. These statements were made recently at the AI Summit in India, adding how it all depends on the job in question.

A field that requires manpower supremacy will also need human intervention. And no matter how much AI supersedes humans, they cannot be trained to do it at the efficiency of humans. He also spoke about AI facilitating humans in roles but not overtaking them completely.

He was also asked an interesting query about how he felt about AI taking over his role. To that he firmly disagreed and said it was not possible. Instead, he encouraged the workforce to make better use of AI to finish tasks and better workflow. He also envisioned a future where workers apply AI as assistants for automated tasks.

Huang also shed light on the bright side of AI but then jumped into the dark side too. This includes concerns about causing a stir in the labor market by making people switch their jobs completely in the future.

As per one prediction made by an expert, AI could result in 12 million changing their occupations completely and most of them would be in the labor market. We’ve also seen studies rolled out by Goldman Sachs about AI replacing nearly 300M jobs in the administration industry. AI also can give rise to new jobs and make sure productivity is at its peak.

The statements coming from Nvidia’s CEO are not at all surprising. He’s always been a keen supporter of AI from the start. He also wished for his own firm to feature 100M AI assistants to better productivity.

AI can be hired to solve other AI problems, he continued. It’s going to be one big employee base, some humans, some digital, and some AI coexisting together.

Image: nvidia / blog

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