Is Your Mindset Holding You Back? Find Out with This Simple Eight-Question Quiz!

Scientists from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have introduced a test to measure growth mindset in people. They put forward a reliable eight question scale which measures growth mindset according to beliefs of the individual on learning, efforts and persistence. The scientists tested this scale on 723 participants from ages 16-85 and found that it is reliable and gives accurate results.

Growth mindset has become an important term across all areas of life. People with a growth mindset have an ability to put their mind and efforts to grow in their life and to achieve their goals. On the other hand, people with a fixed mindset believe that their basic life qualities cannot be changed with some effort. The "eight statements" determine an individual's beliefs and thoughts about growth and developing mindset by asking them to agree or disagree with the statement.

The statements ask individuals if they think they can improve their skills and knowledge through efforts, if they are able to change their influence and development, if they can change their skill and knowledge through practice and statements related to it. The participants who took the test were asked if these statements define them, or if they are like them or not very like them.
The growth mindset questions.
1. I know that with effort I can improve my skills and knowledge
2. I can influence and change my development in general
3. I can change my skills and knowledge through practice
4. I like to take challenges and try new things
5. I see learning as my goal
6. Effort makes me stronger
7. I have faith in my own skills and my possibilities
8. I want to spend more time/work on an area to develop my skills/knowledge
The most interesting thing about the study was that men scored higher (4.36 out of 5) than women (4.27 out of 5). The researchers say that this might be due to gender gap or difference in their brain chemistry. This scale is very helpful in understanding a person's mindset and it is very useful in today's time when growth mindset is being regarded as a good quality.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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