Survey Shows Majority of Gen-Z Wish that TikTok and X Didn’t Exist

TikTok has become an addiction among teens and adults both. But a new survey of 1006 GenZ by a psychologist Jonathan Haidt and the Harris Poll found out that 47% of Gen-Z wish TikTok didn't exist while 50% share the same thoughts about X. The reason why Gen-Z think this way is because they are wasting most of their time on social media apps like TikTok and X.

Jonathan Haidt is the author of best-seller The Anxious Generation. In his book, he gave out four basic rules for children and their smartphone usage. The first rule was that children shouldn't own a smartphone before high school and the second rule talked about how no teen should have a social media account before age. The other two rules were about prohibition of smartphones in schools and unsupervised play. The book was quite controversial but it still said some bitter truths.

The psychologist found out that 60% of Gen-Z spend 4 hours of their day on social media while 23% spend six or more hours of their day on social media. It is really interesting to see as 60% of Gen-Z believe that use of social media has a negative impact on themselves and society. 52% of Gen-Z say social media has helped them a lot, 29% said that it has negatively impacted them and most of them said that it has affected their mental health.

36% of Gen-Z who were surveyed are in favor of banning social media for under 16, while 69% are in favor of imposing child-safe options on social media for under 18 kids.

When Gen-Z were asked which social media apps they wished didn't exist, TikTok and X got the most votes, followed by Snapchat (43%), Facebook (37%) and Instagram (34%). Haidt says that social media companies should take actions to ensure that the content on their apps isn't harming teens and children in any way.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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