Survey Highlights Key Challenges and Breakthroughs in Small Business Marketing: Budgets, AI, and Influencers Dominate

SimpleTexting conducted a survey to find out which marketing strategies and tactics are giving the best results in the US markets. The survey was conducted among 400 small business managers which are managing their business in the USA. Most of the respondents of the survey said that their business sees the most growth on Facebook, websites and review sites.

The survey asked the managers about the biggest challenges they face in marketing. 52% of the respondents said that a limited budget is the biggest challenge when it comes to marketing their business. 34% feel time constraint and 28% feel that finding the right marketing channels are the biggest challenges for them. Other challenges that business managers are facing are keeping up with tech trends (27%), lack of marketing expertise (23%), finding and retaining a strong team (20%) and creating the marketing (19%).

The respondents were also asked about what are the most influential marketing tactics for them. 33% answered reviews on websites like Google and Amazon, 32% said referrals and 26% said influencers/endorsements are the most influential marketing tactics for them. Other influential marketing tactics for respondents included sponsorships (25%), promotions/discounts (23%), partnerships (22%) and loyalty programs (21%). Contests/giveaways (9%) and press/news coverage (6%) were also answered as influential marketing tactics by some.

There are also some marketing trends seen among small businesses. The biggest marketing trend among small businesses is AI and Machine Learning (61%). 85% of the small businesses say that they use AI in their marketing which promises them marketing success. 40% of the small businesses are using social commerce for marketing, 37% are doing ethical marketing and 36% of them are making short-form video content for marketing purposes. Micro-influencers or local influencers (33%) and localized SEO (16%) are also being used by small businesses for marketing.

Explore the charts below for deeper insights into the current state of small business marketing
Read next: Survey Reveals Pinterest as Top Choice for User-Generated Content Marketing, Outpacing X

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