Should Google Be Worried About Fierce Competition From OpenAI’s SearchGPT? Here’s What Expert Analysts Have To Say

The launch of SearchGPT from OpenAI has been discussed as a potential rival for Google Search. Now the biggest question is whether or not Google should be worried about its reign in the world of search.

Despite many speaking about the challenges Google could face, expert analysis says the many limitations of OpenAI’s search offering put it in the backseat. This means more development is needed.

The launch of the prototype for SearchGPT gave rise to a lot of attention and interest. Many felt there was finally a competitor in the market who could go head-to-head with Google.

The promise is there and user feedback is great but the limitations are plenty and as per experts, SearchGPT needs refinement.

The latest study from SE Ranking, a known SEO software firm, sheds light on the performance of SearchGPT and how it fares against Google and the Bing Search Engine.

The research shows that SearchGPT produced results that were 73% similar to that witnessed with Bing but only 46% similar to Google.

Another point worth mentioning is how 26% of ranking domains through SearchGPT got no traffic through Google. This meant opportunities for pages were struggling in terms of getting traction.

The research highlighted key points for SearchGPT including how it did summarize data from several places. There was a conversational-themed interface for making searches better and giving ad-free benefits.

With the good did come some bad. SearchGPT lacked variety and details which is seen with Google Search. Most of this had to do with local and navigational searches. Meanwhile, the study also spoke about SearchGPT favoring certain websites featuring backlinks that had a huge ranking factor involved.

Today, 32% of all the results from SerachGPT came through media sources so that increased to more than 75% of queries linked to this domain. Furthermore, the study notes how SearchGPT needs a lot of improvement in terms of the latest news as most were outdated.

A few early testers of SearchGPT included those who sat down for an interview with the Washington Post. They gave mixed reviews and that was interesting to read.

Some spoke about the tool’s greatness in terms of generating summaries. They even went as far as to call it more useful than what Google’s AI Overviews offer for search. However, not everyone had the same views.

SearchGPT’s interface was called out by the majority as inadequate and a lot was left to be desired. Even small-scale competitors like Perplexity were outlined as having better interfaces.

Then came issues with results where hallucinated data was commonly encountered for search. It’s a problem that has impacted a lot of chabots in the past and seeing it with OpenAI’s SearchGPT was not appreciated.

Google on the other hand was praised for tackling local and e-commerce queries better as it had more access to customized data that might be more challenging for others to access.

So what does the future hold for SearchGPT? The spokesperson for OpenAI says many plans are in place to combine the best bits of SearchGPT with the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT. This means giving the model the best of both worlds and hence more capabilities.

Many hope SearchGPT is not bombarded with ads as another way for the company to monetize. For now, there are no updates on that front but considering all the business subscriptions in order, we don’t see why it’s not a possibility for the future.

Image: seranking

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