Research Shows AI is Helping Employees a Lot in their Workplaces and Employers are Happy With This Change

DIW complied data to find out how AI is being perceived by businesses worldwide and what are the employers’ thoughts about their employees using AI for work. A recent Microsoft survey found that 75% of employees are using AI in their work in 2024 while 80% of the business leaders are adopting AI as they think it is really important in order to stay in competition. Only a few workers said that they do not use AI in their work at all.

Another study found out which industries are majorly using AI. The industry which has adopted AI the most is the advertising and marketing industry. The consulting and technology industry is also adopting AI more than any other industries. Educators are not using AI that much in their classrooms. Even though AI is being implemented in major companies, the workers aren’t totally relying on it. Only 4% of the respondents of the survey said that they rely on AI while 7% admitted to using it a lot. 21% of the workers said that they use AI moderately. 34% said that they do not use AI at all.

The AI which is being used the most by industries and companies all around the world is ChatGPT (65%), followed by Google’s Gemini. Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Claude are the least used AI models by companies. The reason why ChatGPT is being used the most is because it is great at writing and performing many other tasks. Respondents in the survey said that they use AI to respond to emails, make presentations and write reports. AI is also being used for data entry, cyber security and quality control.

AI is said to improve productivity in workplaces and AI is majorly helping employees in coding too. Most of the programmers are using AI to increase their productivity and the survey found that the productivity of programmers have increased 126% due to AI. Some workers are also concerned about their privacy if they are using AI and some are also worried if AI is going to take away their jobs. AI can increase jobs in labor and healthcare, but it also destroys many sales and customer support jobs. But AIPRM suggests that AI is going to give more jobs to people than taking them away.

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