New Survey Finds Why People Prefer Torrenting Movies Even If It’s Considered Illegal

The good folks over at All About Cookies surveyed 1,000 US adults to find out what they think about torrenting movies. People use torrent to download and share movies through BitTorrent which is considered illegal. But the results of the survey found that 47% of the adults in the USA do torrenting to download movies which are not accessible or haven't been released yet in their country.

66% respondents of the survey said that they know what torrenting is. The people who have never torrented a movie are also in this category. Only a few people have not heard about what torrenting is. 35% of the respondents said that they torrent movies frequently while 20% said that they have done so in the past year.

Torrenting is considered illegal in several countries including European Union, UK and New Zealand. It is because downloading copyright content like movies and tv shows from a third party is illegal. So even if it is considered against the law, why do people still use torrent channel to consume content? There are several reasons why people torrent movies, instead of watching them legally.

One of the biggest reasons why people prefer torrenting is that they do not have to pay for the content. More than half respondents of the survey said that they torrent movies because torrenting movies is free. 43% of the respondents also said that they torrent tv shows and movies only when they aren’t available in their country for some reason.

40% of the respondents of the survey said that they want to watch tv shows and movies before their release in their country, that’s why they consider torrenting them. Other reasons included wanting to watch content ad-free and avoiding paying for extra content. People just don’t want to subscribe to a streaming service and torrenting is the best alternative to that.

Survey shows 47% of US adults torrent movies, citing cost and availability as main reasons.

43% torrent movies due to unavailability; 40% want early access, avoiding costs and ads.

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