Microsoft And Apple Come Head To Head Again About Cloud Gaming Services On iOS

It’s no secret that Apple and Microsoft fail to agree on a lot of matters and cloud gaming services across iOS are the perfect example.

A while back, Apple made updates to the App Store’s policies that meant cloud gaming apps could now be included. But Microsoft blasted the firm by rolling out a new submission to governing authorities.

At the start of the year, Apple shared its latest App Store rules which allowed cloud streaming apps on the App Store. Many knew that this would give rise to more gaming services such as Xbox Cloud Gaming to come into existence. But as we cross the half-year mark, there’s still no sign of it or any future release.

Thanks to The Verge, we’ve got more insights on this front and how it might not be coming anytime soon. It hinted at a submission made in July which the software giant sent to the CMA in the UK.

Microsoft spoke strongly about how despite making changes in January, iPhone maker Apple still made it so hard for cloud gaming apps to exist in its store. To be more specific, Microsoft shared two leading problem areas such as Apple’s In-App Purchase requirements and rules that stopped links from third parties where payments could be made.

As a whole, seeing the degree and type of changes Apple made to the App Store’s rules hasn’t made it easy or possible for any cloud game service provider to function easily.

However, Apple fails to agree with Microsoft’s claims. It rolled out its own submission on the matter early last month. It explained how many other cloud gaming apps are present and it’s working hard to make them succeed.

Similarly, the Cupertino firm spoke about different technologies it curated to make gaming on iOS possible. Common examples include greater support for web platforms and more engagement through developers, thanks to changes in policies at the year’s start. Apple also gave the example of AntStream that’s available right now and more are in the pipeline.

Clearly, both sides beg to differ. If you ask the experts, they are clear on how both companies certainly discussed their issues in private before resorting to the CMA. After no deal was made, they had to get a governing body involved and these documents were published online.

For now, we’re not sure if the changes that Microsoft is asking for are really necessary. Can the software giant offer its Xbox Cloud on the App Store without any of them? We cannot say for sure, actually no one can.

However, one thing we can confirm is Apple is facing plenty of scrutiny from legislators globally over the practices seen on the App Store. Who knows, this might be another rude awakening for the world as the CMA leans in further.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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