Is Your Privacy at Risk? See Which Generations Are Blindly Accepting Cookies!

Emarketer conducted a survey to find out how different generations think about website cookies and whether they accept them or not. Gen-Z, Millennials, Gen-X and Baby Boomers were surveyed in July 2024 for this purpose. According to the survey, 57.6% of the Gen-Z always or often accept cookies while 53.4% millennials do so. On the other hand, 46.8% of the Gen-X and 36.0% of the Baby Boomers often or always accept cookies.

The survey, which was based on US consumers, also found out that 17.0% of the US consumers overall always accept cookies. It is best if marketers aim for non-cookie targeting and measurement as 9 out of 10 browsers in the US are going to get rid of cookies soon. But Google has decided to keep third-party cookies on Chrome.
50.6% of US consumers accept cookies without understanding what they are and how they can be used. This shows lack of knowledge regarding privacy concerns among consumers. Only 9.9% consumers said that they understand what accepting cookies on a website means. The lack of understanding about cookies is common among Baby Boomers and Gen-X. Marketers should work on designing age-specific cookie consent experiences.

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