Google Launches Audio Overviews That Converts Documents And Notes Into Lively Discussions Thanks to AI

Tech giant Google is resorting to AI to convert documents and other material into lively audio discussions.

The feature dubbed Audio Overviews is going to feature two AI hosts and is launching into NotebookLM starting now. You can even try this by uploading work into any existing Notebook. Moreover, you click open the guide and press Generate to quickly spin podcast-themed discussions on a certain subject.

The technology is currently in demo mode and was displayed by the Android maker as a part of its latest press release on the offering. The clip is eight minutes long and shows two AI voices that sound so real but the conversation quickly goes in a bizarre direction that gets a lot to comprehend.

The AI excites and amp up listeners by giving them a new means to prevent drowning in piles of information. Some of the reading is done by AI to help lighten the burden on users’ shoulders. Moreover, the chat continues between the male and female voices.

The conversation then tries to sound more human and makes use of certain phrases like drinking from the firehose which does take many listeners by surprise. All in all, it’s still in the trial phase but certainly brings forward limitations.

This includes how AI hosts can only decipher the English language and also it can show great inaccuracies. Meanwhile, it would take a few minutes to generate this Audio Overview when bigger documents are taken into consideration.

Listeners do get the chance to command it but it’s not fun when they cannot interrupt the hosts. As per Google, it’s not as interactive as it had hoped. It compared this to Project Astra whose demo was released at this year’s Developer’s Conference in May.

Both this and OpenAI’s voice mode are designed to gear the student community as they can serve as private tutors who assist through various materials and ask relevant queries. By adding Audio Overviews inside Notebook language models, students can benefit. It’s well-positioned and can assist more eager learners in the future.

Does it show promise? Well, perhaps a proper launch could give listeners more insight but it’s great to see AI being used productively by the company again for different projects.

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