Google Considers U-Turn Over Data Center Creation In Chile After Environmental Concerns

Tech giant Google is considering halting plans to create a mega $200M data center located in Chile to combat issues related to the environment.

The company has made it so clear that its goal to become carbon neutral is on the cards. This is a decision that was taken to better reflect the issues linked to power-hungry organizations that put their financial goals over anything and everything in this world.

The American tech firm first got permits in the year 2020 to develop a major project in the Chilean capital city of Santiago. This was due to a growing demand for server farms around the globe and was fueled due to a rise in cloud-based tech and a growth for Generative AI.

After a few months, the court in Chile chose to slightly reverse the authorization regarding water usage as it might lead to quick depletion and end up wreaking havoc around the globe. This is why Google is now taking a major step back and rethinking its strategy so it’s more environmentally friendly.

A brand new process will begin from the bottom up, the tech giant mentioned in a new statement. They reiterated how the goal right now was linked to sustainability over everything else. Google says that even if that means facing losses that could significantly impact the company then so be it.

A lot of complaints were heard from the community regarding this South American nation. A lot of power was used to drive ACs and cool down data centers and power plants. This has also given rise to issues of the government and more scrutiny that prompts local courts to temporarily revoke this project. The environmental court requested Google to provide a response to concerns over data centers and how that might impact the main aquifer.

The court mentioned that it was possible that cooling these heavy equipment would again make use of the growing use of power and that would pull more water resources from the country. At the moment, the nation is going through some major issues linked to climate change which is a major reason for outage amongst the local community and various Indigenous groups.

Google failed to give rise to any new timeline for this project but it hoped to keep the location the same right now. It mentioned developers were notified about the environmental regulator in the country and how it was pausing permits to rethink a new plan.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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