Generative AI Helps Computer Science Students Excel in Software Development

A study by professors from Dongyang Mirae University in South Korea finds that AI can help students learn computer science courses. Even though there are some worries that generative AI is affecting the learning abilities of the students, this study finds that generative AI is quite helpful in enhancing the learning capabilities of students. To proceed with their research, the researchers of the university gathered 36 students of computer science and did a software development competition among them. The students were asked to take help from ChatGPT and the competition ran for 4 weeks.

In the first round of competition, all 36 students were evaluated on the basis of their innovation, code quality and all the basics of software development. Then, the top 15 students with the best scores were sent to the second round and then a winner was selected among them. The researchers found that students who used ChatGPT showed more high quality results. All in all, their projects had better ideation, development and completion rate. There was also a great difference in gen AI experience among students from the first round and students from second round.

The researchers said that 78% of the students agreed that generative AI helps them a lot in their work. A number of students said that ChatGPT has increased their skill while some students also said that ChatGPT has contributed a lot in their career developments. Ever since the release of generative AI, people have said all kinds of things about it. Some people also say that generative AI has given an easy environment for people to cheat. It is somewhat true but generative AI has also given people room to improve and learn new things.

Right now, many software developers are using ChatGPT to improve their coding. Some are also taking help from generative AI to find issues in their coding while some are learning new coding techniques from it. Generative AI can play an important role in education if educators and students use it for the right purposes.

Image: DIW-AIgen

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