EU Punishes Meta Platforms With Hefty Fine For Dominating The Classified Ad Market

Meta Platforms Inc. faces a mega fine over efforts to dominate the classified advertising market. The news was confirmed yesterday by sources who were familiar with the incident.

Regulators in the EU accused the tech giant of linking social networks with the free services offered by the marketplace. The goal is to try and undermine industry rivals as mentioned by the newspaper.

Facebook’s parent firm’s behavior was called out as anti-competitive and might come as early as the start of the next month. It would mark one of the last investigations under the control of the head of the EU’s Competition Division.

For now, no direct replies for comments were generated regarding the significant antitrust matter. The final bloc decision might come as early as the start of next month. This would bring an end to this ordeal.

The decision will follow that of the DOJ penalized Google for anti-trust behavior and ridden healthy competition to retain its monopoly status in the search industry.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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