A New Survey Shows What iPhone and Android Users Think of Each Other

There has always been a debate among users of Android and Apple about which one is better. A survey was conducted by All About Cookies to find out what Android and Apple users think about each other. 1,000 Android and iPhone users were questioned in the survey, and the survey revealed that more than half of iPhone users often make fun of Android users.

Apple has iMessage where messages can only be sent and received by iPhone users. 24% of the Android users said that they feel left out of group chats on iMessage as their Android cannot receive iMessage texts. 38% of the Android users said that they had communication issues with Apple users because of the difference in OS of Android and Apple. Sometimes, they misunderstood or didn’t receive the messages at all on their Android.

Android users were also asked why they would like to switch to an iPhone. One third of the respondents of the survey said that they would like to use an iPhone because of constant mockery and pressure from Apple users. When iPhone users were asked what they think when a green message pops up on their phone, 22% agreed that they think less of that person. Most of the iPhone users agreed that it would be a dealbreaker for them if the person they are texting with is a non-Apple user. 23% said that they would not like to continue texting with that person. However, 42% of the participants said that they would be happy to switch to a third-party app like WhatsApp if messaging is the issue between Apple and Android users.

iOS vs. Android: Are Green Bubbles Breaking Up Friendships?

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