A New Survey Shows the Biggest Challenges Marketers Are Facing In Adoption of AI

Drift and Marketing AI Institute conducted a survey to find out what are the biggest challenges marketers are facing in adoption of AI. The compiled the survey in a report termed 2024 State of AI Marketing Report which was based on 1784 respondents. According to the report, the biggest challenge marketers are facing about AI adoption in marketing is lack of education and training about AI (67%).

56% of the respondents also said that there is a lack of awareness about AI tools in marketing which is being one of the biggest challenges for them. Other barriers for adoption of AI in marketing included lack of strategy (43%), lack of AI talent with right skills (40%) and lack of resources (38%). Some respondents also chose mistrust of AI, lack of technology infrastructure and unrealistic expectations about AI as some challenges they are facing in marketing.

The survey also asked respondents if their company offers AI education or training to employees. The majority (47%) answered with no. 26% said that yes, their company offers AI training and education while 24% said that AI education and training is in development in their company. Upon asking if they think whether AI will affect the jobs or not, 31% said that they think more jobs will be created because of AI but 47% believed that most jobs will be eliminated because of AI. 8% of the respondents said that they don't think AI will have a meaningful impact on jobs.
The survey also covered how the majority of respondents feel about AI. 68% said that they feel positively about AI while 16% said that they are neutral. 4% of the respondents said that they have negative feelings about AI while 14% weren't sure about how they feel.

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