TikTok In Hot Waters With US Again As DOJ Issues New Lawsuit For Violating Child Privacy Law

The American Justice Department has just added more woes to the popular social media platform TikTok after suing the company.

The latest lawsuit stems from a violation of a children’s privacy law, alongside another violation of an FTC agreement from 2019. It also takes into consideration a series of investigations that were linked to the company and various private cases.

The FTC mentioned how it was seeing whether or not TikTok violated terms mentioned in the previous privacy settlement related to Musical.ly which had been acquired by ByteDance before the app was launched.

As per the report, the investigations proved how TikTok violated both this settlement and then the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

The statement also cited how the app was busy collecting personal data linked to kids on the platform and how it failed to be in compliance with requests for deleting data online.

The fact that the app knowingly engaged in this behavior and enabled minors to create accounts so they could post, view, and share short videos with other adults was alarming, the lawsuit read.

Meanwhile, the defendants spoke about collecting and retaining a lot of personal data from kids without putting out another notification for consent to be attained by the parents online.

Even those accounts that were produced in the name of Kids Mode had defendants speaking about collecting data unlawfully and also retaining kids’ email IDs amongst other types of personal data.

When parents ended up detecting accounts belonging to their kids, they requested defendants to have them deleted and any sort of data related to them. Surprisingly, the requests were not honored. Similarly, TikTok failed in terms of its deficient and ineffective policies for highlighting and getting rid of accounts produced by kids.

Another statement was rolled out about how TikTok said it did make efforts in line with the allegations. It mentioned how it was addressing the matter that was highlighted by the Justice Department.

They are now disagreeing with all the allegations that are being made and also mentioned how many of them are linked to old policies and practices that no longer exist, not to mention how they were described most inaccurately.

They are proud of all the efforts they put out to ensure minors on the app are protected at all times and hope to continue working on bettering the policies. Furthermore, the app speaks about enhancing the platform to give age-appropriate experiences for all. What do you think?

Image: DIW-Aigen

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