A New Survey Shows Most US Consumers Prefer YouTube Over Netflix

A new survey finds that a big chunk of consumers are more interested in YouTube than Netflix. The data shows that Gen-Z get more excited to see a YouTube creator than a Hollywood star in a grocery store. 45% of Gen-Z would get excited if they see a YouTube creator as compared to 50% of millennials who would get excited upon seeing a Hollywood star.

The survey also shows that YouTube is the most watched steaming service in the USA. 40% of viewing in the USA is done through streaming, out of which YouTube is at top with 10% of total viewing while Netflix is at 8%. They are followed by Prime Video (3%), Hulu (3%) and Disney+ (2%). 31% of Americans say that they would choose YouTube over any streaming service while 21% of Americans say this about Netflix.

The consumers in the USA say that they find both Netflix and YouTube entertaining but 31% of consumers say that YouTube makes them feel smarter as compared to 15% of consumers who say this about Netflix. After asking about YouTube ads and traditional tv ads, most of the Gen-Z said that they prefer YouTube ads (52%) over traditional tv ads (29%). Most Millennials also chose YouTube ads (43%) over TV ads (29%) while Boomers chose traditional tv ads (24%) over YouTube ads (19%).

Take a look at the charts below for more insights:

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