UBS 2024 Report Shows Decreasing Global Wealth in Most of the Countries this Decade

According to UBS Global Wealth Report 2024, global wealth is decreasing fast this decade as compared to last decade. There was a 7% growth in global wealth between 2000 and 2010 but only 4.5% growth was seen in global wealth between 2010 and 2023. UBS analyzed 56 markets in the past and this decade and found out that four markets, Italy, Japan, Greece and Spain, have seen a decrease in growth this decade. The factors which play the role in negative growth are aging societies and decrease in population in these countries.

The growth in wealth in China and India have decreased more than half between 2000 to 2010 and 2010 to 2023. Qatar had the highest global wealth in 2000-2010 but now it has come down to the same level as China. The country which saw an increase in global wealth in 2010-2023 is the US as it had lower wealth in 2000-2010. Japan and Greece were the countries with most negative growths in global wealth as compared to the rest of the countries.

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