Russia Pressurizes YouTube To Restore Blocked Channels By Reducing Speeds By Up To 70%

Popular video hosting platform YouTube has been facing a lot of criticism in Russia recently.

The company which comes under the ownership of Alphabet was slammed by officials in the country for blocking a host of channels on the app. Now, in response to the maneuver, Russian officials are working on reducing speeds for the app on the desktop by up to 40% this week and 70% in the weeks after.

The news was confirmed by a senior member of the Russian government on Thursday as it feels the country has been silent on the matter of reinstating blocked channels for far too long.

The measures taken are part of a new drive to persuade YouTube to follow its orders. As far as the channels in question are concerned, it’s related to those broadcasting the country’s state media.

We’ve seen Russia also penalize YouTube with fines on several instances for not deleting content that it feels is illegal or unnecessary. Now, they feel such actions are necessary to damage the platform.

It was made clear how the moves are not designed to target users in Russia but against the admin in control of the platform that it feels could go against their legislation if no actions are taken.

Google didn’t generate a swift or direct response on the matter or given comments for the requests generated so far. The app’s fate in the country was mostly in the nation’s hands and if the administration of this resource doesn’t change the policy or respect Russian laws, the country feels they should not expect to get anything good over here.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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