Researchers Found Out that Writers Can Generate Interesting, Enjoyable and Stories with Good Plot Lines Using AI

According to a study published in the journal Science Advances, AI can enhance the creativity of the writers and can write stories better and more enjoyable than most writers who do not use AI assistance. 300 participants were asked to write an eight sentence short story for young adults. With the help of AI’s assistance, some writers could write 26.6% better written and 15.2% less boring stories than the writers who didn't use AI.

The study was only about AI use in creative writing and it did not cover content writing. The study also mentioned that while AI written creative work may be interesting, there's no novelty in works as many AI writings are similar. There was a 10.7% increase in similarity between the works of writers who used generative AI in their stories.

The researchers gathered 300 participants and divided them into three groups. The first group was asked to use no AI for writing, the second group was given permission to use AI’s help for just a starting idea and third group was given permission to use one AI generated idea from five AI generated ideas for their inspiration.

600 people were recruited to judge the content produced by these groups and were asked to judge on the basis of uniqueness, plot lines, twists, target audience and if the content is good enough to get published. The results proved that writers who were given permission to use AI had more creative stories with 8.1% higher in novelty than the stories which didn't use AI. The writers who used five AI generated ideas produced more creative, emotional, interesting and funnier stories.

Researchers also used a Divergent Association Task (DAT) to evaluate writers’ creativity and found out that the writers with most DAT scores used less AI generative ideas. The stories which were produced after using an AI generated idea were 22.6% more enjoyable and 26.6% better written. This made writers with high DAT score and writers with low DAT score somewhat similar because the writers with low DAT score can enhance their creativity using AI.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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