New Poll Suggests Most US Voters Want Safe AI Rather Than Competition with China

A new poll by AI Policy Institute (AIPI) conducted in June revealed that many US voters do not want the USA to compete with China in terms of AI tools, they just want safe AI usage. China is already progressing in AI development as most of the GenAI patents are from China. China has already registered 38,000 GenAI patents in the past couple of years. Even though the USA is always in the news because of its patents and competitiveness with China, it is still far behind with only 6,300 patents.

Many CEOs and lobbyists of tech industries say that too many regulations on AI tools will give China more advantage. According to the AIPI Poll, 75% of the Republicans and 75% of the Democrats think that administering rules and regulations on AI tools that cannot be used by terrorists and foreign adversaries against the USA will make the US progress more in AI tools. 50% said that safety restrictions should be imposed on AI tools instead of slowing AI development. Only 25% said that the US should make powerful AI tools fastly so it can compete with China.

63% of the US voters said that it is risky to export AI tools to US adversaries and should be illegal while 14% disagree on this. There are no proper AI regulations in the USA. Former chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission, Tom Wheeler, says that they were not prepared for the change the last year brought. So, now all policy makers are thinking hard about how to convert an industrial economy to a digital economy and then to an AI economy with keeping everyone’s interest and doubts in mind.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: The Innovation Game: Who's Winning the Patent Race in America?

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