Amazon Under Fire For Misleading Public And Distorting Truth About Sourcing Power From Clean Energy Sources

Top online retailer and tech giant Amazon has been accused of lying to the public and distorting the reality about its sources of power.

The company confirmed in the past year that it sourced its power through clean energy sources only and that it was able to attain a massive milestone on this front. Now, environmental experts and a group of workers belonging to the company have denied those claims, adding how the truth is far from what the company is portraying.

Speaking to the NYT recently, a small group of workers who seemed to be concerned by the matter revealed through a new warning that it was misleading the world with claims that were far from reality.

As per Amazon, 100% clean electricity has to do with its billion-dollar investments across sustainable sources of power like wind or solar energy. They explained in detail how power generated through such initiatives is equivalent to the electricity that the tech giant’s data centers use.

However new reports from environmental experts claim that the sources that Amazon utilizes for such calculations are added into a power grid and not solely into the firm’s own day-to-day operations. So, to make itself great in the views of the public, it’s using cheap tactics of marketing and accounting which is unacceptable.

The world must know that Amazon is not using wind and solar for its data centers, one employee added in a statement to the media outlet. It’s making major investments in expansions for data centers that are powered by coal and oil taken from West Virginia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia respectively, as well as from Canadian sources.

Meanwhile, experts on the Clean Energy front added how Amazon adding certificates for clean energy into calculations is not only wrong but also misleading.

Any company that has power plants working on a grid that burns fossil fuels means it’s unlikely to determine that a certain grid uses sustainable sources of energy only. Hence, the real picture is determined when Amazon removes RECs from its calculations, and when that’s done, the result is only a tiny fraction of the claims that the tech giant makes to the public.

Meanwhile, experts on another front feel slamming the company is not the right way to move forward. Any firm that makes the effort to go green and move toward clean energy must be appreciated.

Let’s not forget how Amazon did get a B grade score from the CDP and while that was less than the A received by tech giants Google and Microsoft, it’s still a noteworthy mention and effort.

However, Amazon is getting criticized for failing to outline what its real sources for accounting are when making calculations for these claims.

Today, the rise in AI trends and financial burdens linked to reaching the top is forcing companies to really think twice about their next move including investments to attain climate objectives. The issue that Amazon must think about is how it can alter the perception of sketchy logic that has made its way into people’s minds after this new report.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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