Alarming Report Exposes Thousands Of Airbnb Properties Spying On Guests Through Hidden Surveillance Devices

A shocking new report is shedding light on the reality of Airbnb properties and how they can no longer be trusted.

The report by CNN proved how more than 35,000 complaints were generated from guests that exposed them to having hidden surveillance devices fitted into rooms to spy on their every move.

From intimate activities to changing clothes and recording conversations, the shocking report provided details on how such properties cannot be trusted any longer thanks to the great dangers they pose.

Customers have long complained about such issues in the past but the problem now seems to be getting out of control. Moreover, thousands of new pictures were discovered featuring hosts who rented the property.

The police reports highlighted how devices were located inside bedrooms and bathrooms to show the most private moments of guests, not even sparing minors. Moreover, interviews with dozens of guests also brought more light on the situation.

The issue was not known in the past thanks to Airbnb fooling clients about their policies and what security measures they take to make sure their stay is as private and comfortable as possible. So many people get lured into cheaper costs and better facilities on offer, failing to realize the dangers that such offerings come with.

Many past cases that did come to light in terms of exposing the property were settled through arbitration. They failed to notify the cops, even though crimes were being committed.

Even if guests make complaints about surveillance devices hidden in their rooms, little to nothing is done by the company in charge. No authorities are notified, even if minors are included. Rarely you’ll see the firm reaching out in cases where the guests have made a complaint in terms of internal inquiries.

This just hinders the whole process of criminal investigations and provides suspects more time to get rid of any evidence that may have been discovered.

Cases are hidden from public view and settlements with financial agreements are reached to hush the guests so that in the end, both parties can walk out with smiles on their faces when in reality, it’s a huge danger for future guests who are unaware of what exactly is going on.

Some of the deals involve confidentiality terms where the accuser is not allowed to discuss or disclose details in public.

While the matter in Europe is more controlled with authorities regulating the rental industry and generating controls over operations, no such ordeal is seen in the US and that is very concerning, security experts revealed.

Most Airbnbs don’t claim that a certain incident did not happen or a certain surveillance device does not exist. Instead, they argue more based on how they are not the ones who are responsible here, which again exposes their lack of concern over such a serious infringement of guests’ rights.

The company clarified that the 35,000 tickets don't equal 35,000 complaints, as one complaint can generate multiple tickets. They noted that "surveillance devices" include doorbell cameras and noise sensors, and some tickets are false alarms where renters mistakenly believe a camera is present.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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