Adobe Executive's Heroin Analogy Sparks Controversy Over Hidden Pricing and Subscription Cancellation Issues

Critics are raising eyebrows after Adobe’s leading executive spoke about the company’s hidden pricing strategy that has been under discussion for a while.

The remark was quoted and linked to the similarity of heroin, leaving many confused. This was revealed when the government rolled out a new unredacted complaint that accused the firm of making it intentionally hard to cancel subscriptions for Creative Cloud.

The executive further admitted how clients were upset at how the firm published its contract with terminology that made it very difficult to comprehend. But with that said, he agreed that although changes would make matters simpler for customers, it could result in the company taking a huge hit, business-wise.

When you take such matters into consideration, you have to consider one thing. Cloud subscriptions get highlighted through automatic means and it displays a cost each month. In reality, the subscription is annual and if you cancel that in one year, you get charged a huge amount as early termination.

The news went viral last month when the US DOJ explained how the FTC filed a legal case over this matter that it felt might be tricking users into paying huge amounts without them realizing what they’re getting themselves into.

For so long, Adobe has caused serious harm to many clients by enrolling them through such means. It’s a plan that really does seem lucrative at first as it doesn’t disclose important terminology of what’s next.

Remember, the organization is really failing in terms of disclosing to clients what they’ve signed up for and how they need to stay committed to avoid facing the mega year-long commitment that totals hundreds of dollars as the end fee for termination is huge.

Only when the user makes an attempt to cancel is it aware that they would be severely penalized on financial terms.

Whatever the case may be, the topic is very concerning and now that the company’s own executive is likening this to the heroin drug has some wondering what’s going on. Adobe is not likely to consider ending the termination fee and from what we can see, the issue is getting bigger as it refuses to let its business suffer for the sake of the consumer.

This is not the first time that we’ve heard about Adobe’s questionable laws and clauses. It’s been dubbed too complex for clients to understand a lot of people have left unhappy with the surprise mentioned at the end.

We can see this as something quite similar to the concept of thinking short-term. The tech giant wishes to attain financial gains like ETF which it thinks greatly outweighs and damage being done to the brand’s reputation. What do you think?

Whatever the case may be, Adobe might need to ensure its own executives think before they speak because such references can only add more fuel to the fire.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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