What Frustrates Users The Most During Online Search? This Study Says It All

Turning to search engines to find the answer to something is not a new practice. But we’re sure there’s been plenty of occasions where things don’t go as planned, leading to frustration on the part of the searcher.

To better understand what it is that frustrates users during online search experiences, ScorpionCO rolled out a new study to gauge just this. And the results are out!

Today, most Americans spend more time exploring products, jobs, services, and whatnot. The trend is bigger now than it was five years back. As per this new study, people aren’t happy with frustrations at their peak.

Remember, this is important because search engines are designed to assist users in finding more data on what they need. Now the question is what really irritates the user and why aren’t they able to find what they are in search of.

The top three reasons for frustration on the users' part included looking through search results, looking for the correct search term, and even turning to several websites to get what they’re looking for.

Experts feel the issues can easily be solved soon thanks to ChatGPT, AI Overviews, and more search engines. But right now, the real potential that AI in search is yet to be utilized.

A lot of respondents spoke about how they need more search results to get what they need and it’s getting annoying, not to mention time-consuming. Time is of the essence here and you can’t spend hours in search of something.

Others have spoken about how the search quality at Google is really going down the drain. People adore AI Overviews, not really, but Google believes so. Moreover, the Android maker even mentioned how research is done deeply now more than before. What it may have forgotten is how things might be more difficult to find replies for and that’s why people need to spend more time.

Meanwhile, the stats also shed light on how people aren’t happy with the ads thrown in their direction with just 12% claiming they were relevant.

Interestingly, when asked to go into the depths of this, it was amazing how people found more relevant forms of ads on TV, YouTube, and even Meta’s Facebook and Instagram than others.

Other interesting findings are how 35% claimed to be skipping out on ads seen on website results and 33% were going to turn to those that were famous or renowned while 33% would search for those results featuring bigger star ratings.

30% of those taking part in the study added that services that pop up higher in search are those said to be more relevant. On the contrary, 46% feel getting greater credibility in results makes the entire search journey so much more pleasurable.

A whopping 86% of the majority felt they could not differentiate between results that were organic and those that were paid. Meanwhile, 47% felt it’s simpler to tell the differences between those that are real and others that are fake.

With that being said, we must consider how not everyone in this world is tech-savvy so that also goes a long way. Such surveys are curated to make sure there’s a national representation of all demographics so as you can imagine, it’s not the actual representation of everyone great with technology.

Top frustrations for users include sifting through search results, finding correct search terms, and navigating multiple websites.

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