The Most Common Misuse Of AI Is Creation Of Deepfake Politicians And Celebs, Google’s DeepMind Study Reveals

A new study by Google’s AI Labs division is shedding light on the leading areas where AI tends to be misused the most.

The answer was not surprising for some while for others, it was a rude awakening.

AI is being used more frequently for producing deepfakes of celebs and famous personalities like politicians instead of being used to carry out cyber attacks assisted by the likes of AI technology.

Experts at Deepmind found the common area where generative AI tools were being misused the most to produce fake media content like pictures, videos, and sounds of famous figures as reported by the FT.

The misuse was increasing rapidly and was reported to be more common than producing fake content through text-based chatbots.

The study also found how the main objective right now was linked to actors using generative AI to shape other people’s opinions. This accounts for 27% of the use and at the same time, it increases concerns regarding the influence that such deepfakes bring forward to global elections.

So much effort is being made by social media apps including labeling and deleting this kind of misleading material online but still, the concerns remain and audiences might not recognize if the deepfake is indeed fake and that could drastically sway away voters.

Many experts are therefore speaking about the impact this could have across audiences as it might give rise to an election result based on misinformation and therefore directly impact the democracy and ruling of a certain nation.

The study’s authors have time and time again added how the concern regarding cyber-attacks keeps growing as they get more and more sophisticated. Therefore, it’s hard to tell fact from fiction.

Furthermore, the study in question was able to analyze close to 200 different incidents where misuse of online apps was so common.

This is some important information because the rate at which deepfakes are spreading is concerning around the globe. Just one day before the study’s publishing, the co-founder at Twitter warned how the future was gloomy as many had trouble differentiating factual truths. For this reason, it would not be wrong to state how a solution must be debated to further combat the growing population of deepfakes seen online.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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