Reddit Witnesses Massive Growth In Visibility On Google Search But It Comes With Implications

Social media giant Reddit has reported a growth in traffic by 39% when compared to the results seen last year.

The company’s stats were unveiled by Similarweb recently who added how the growth appears to be fueled by the firm’s enhanced visibility online through Google’s search.

Now the question that many people cannot stop asking is how and why the app is growing this fast and what accounts for this sudden peak in rankings across the world’s leading search engine.

What we can confirm so far is that this type of growth can mean big things for not only the company itself but also plenty of firms and professionals linked to the world of SEO.

When asked about the reason for this growth, it seems to have to do with Google making helpful content a priority, thanks to discussion forums that mentioned the news through an algorithm update.

This is what is contributing to the platform’s enhanced search rankings as well as visibility.

Thanks to Business Insider, we now are well aware of how more people keep finding the app via searches carried out on Google instead of using traditional means like the app’s website.

There has been a constant rise in the number of Reddit sources popping up across the Discussion and Forums for Google’s latest SERP endeavor.

Alongside that, Google has entered into a massive $60M deal with Reddit where it would license data for all of its AI products. This deal’s timings and the search growth linked to the firm have already raised plenty of eyebrows on this front.

However, the search engine giant ended up attaining a direct link between such a deal and the platform’s search visibility. But when it comes to coincidence, it’s quite notable to mention.

Now the question that most of us want answers to have to do with what kind of implications this could have for marketers and professionals of the industry. The firm’s new dominance in the world of search brings up more challenges in the world of business as well as greater opportunities.

Hurdles include what kind of experience and how reliable the content is at Reddit and if the growth could make things better or for the worse.

Some feel that the opinions rolled out on the Reddit app by those who don’t even have experience is certainly a worrisome matter. Still, Google favors the app on Search and is now paying millions to attain access to that content which lacks experience, trust, and authority.

It’s all a huge challenge as it means the expert content that’s written might be outranked by the thoughts linked to others with anonymous identities.

Experts believe it’s up to marketers or business owners to see if the app is really doing them any good or helping to cause significant harm. And if the latter is the case, it must be shunned.

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