Hidden Web World: Only 18% of 1.1 Billion Sites Active

Did you know that there are approximately 1.1 billion websites on the internet, and only 200 million of those are active, with a shocking 82% of websites being inactive and 133 million out of them being run from the USA alone. Around 252,000 new websites are being added to the internet on a daily basis and 90,720,000 being added on a yearly basis.

Internet has 1.1 billion sites; 82% inactive. USA hosts 133 million. 252,000 new sites daily.

YearAll Websites (in millions)Active Websites (in millions)Active Websites %
January 2008155.58382568.27415443.88%
January 2009185.49721371.64788738.62%
January 2010206.7419983.45666940.37%
January 2011273.301445101.83808337.26%
January 2012582.716657182.44198331.31%
January 2013629.939191186.82150329.66%
January 2014861.379152180.0672720.90%
January 2015876.812666177.12742720.20%
January 2016906.616188170.25887218.78%
January 20171800.047111172.3532359.57%
January 20181805.26001171.6487719.51%
January 20191518.207412182.18587612.00%
January 20201295.973827189.000014.58%
January 20211197.982359199.53348416.66%
January 20221167.715133198.988117.04%
January 20231132.268801202.90072417.92%
January 20241079.154539192.3757617.83%

Most Searched Website

Tech giant Google is the most searched site on the internet is not surprising at all. It has been the most favorite search engine of the digital world, with 2.79 billion searches per day. The 2nd and 3rd positions go to YouTube and Facebook respectively.

The United States of America Topping the List

The country is responsible for nearly 60% of the websites globally. Millions of websites are being run from the USA alone. The country is also the home of major technological companies like Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon etc..

The United Kingdom and Germany follow the USA. This logically means that the American citizens visit web pages more than any other nation. Around 87% of its population uses the internet.

Businesses Prefer Being Online

There has been a huge uptick in ecommerce sites since 2018. Covid-19 undoubtedly helped increase their number. Most of these ecommerce sites are hosted on Wordpress and Shopify. One of the most visited sites in the world is also an ecommerce website, Amazon.com.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate of websites fluctuates between 1% and 5%, with ecommerce websites having the lowest conversion rate and mobile app webpages the highest.

Mobile-Adaptedness of Websites

Nearly 80% of the websites on the internet are mobile-friendly. Mobile-friendliness has become a necessity for website runners, for smartphones have become the most-widely-used gateway to the the internet.

Websites Traffic

As stated earlier that Google is the most-widely-used search engine, about 92.96% of global traffic consequently comes through Google search, Google Maps and Google Images. More than half of the web traffic is the result of organic searches done through a search engine using a key word or phrase.

Also, smartphones, being the most-widely used devices for searching, account for more than half of the web traffic.

Website Experience of Users

Users who experience non-mobile-friendly websites just ignore those sites. A large number of users after having a bad mobile experience did not search those webpages over.

Not surprisingly, videos on web pages attract more traffic. Most visitors spend more time on pages with videos.

Most people leave if a page takes more than expected time to load. So, having a fast website is a must.

After experiencing a bad time on a website, a lot of users just leave that site, with no intention of ever returning. Only a positive experience afterwards can oblige them to return often.

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