These White Collar Jobs Will Be the Most Affected by AI

Tech disruptions have been making jobs obsolete for quite some time now, but the current AI revolution is actually quite different with all things having been considered and taken into account. For one thing, it will create a situation wherein white collar jobs will end up becoming redundant rather than blue collar ones. According to a report released by the Society for Human Resource Management, three sectors in particular will be heavily affected by AI in the future namely finance, legal and tech.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that these changes will affect a number of jobs in these niches. Loan and mortgage brokers might see their numbers dwindle, as would accountants, and legal aids working in offices might decrease as well. What's more is that tech jobs that involve data processing and hosting services as well as computer programming were described as being at risk of becoming obsolete.

It bears mentioning that blue collar workers on factory floors will barely be affected by the AI revolution, making this the first time that the seismic shifts will impact white collar workers far more than their blue collar counterparts. In spite of the fact that this is the case, there is a chance that the reduction in jobs may not have a long term negative impact on employment.

Having AI perform certain jobs that used to only be done by humans would be a great way to reduce payroll expenses. Such a change might be beneficial because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up setting money aside for new paid roles down the line. However, the short term outlook for a number of white collar professions is not quite as bright as some would have hoped, so it will be interesting to see if the predictions become true. We might be looking at a white collar work force that will be greatly diminished especially if you look at it with a relatively short time frame in mind.

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