70% of SMBs Repurpose Content, Here's Why

Repurposing content can be a viable way of getting more mileage out of said content instead of having to pay for new media on a regular basis, but it’s essential to be strategic in how you go about doing this. The user experience is paramount, and optimizing the repurposing of older content is necessary with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Short form video makes it necessary because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up providing a new avenue for old content to be broken up and disseminated to a brand new audience. A new report from Adobe Express has revealed that 70% of small business owners have already taken part in this practice, and 83% said that TikTok is the best place for repurposed content. This is based on a survey of 500 SMB owners.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Instagram is in second place with 78%, followed by websites and blogs with 75%. Facebook might seem like it’s rather old fashioned, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, it was considered to be a prime location for repurposed content by about 70% of the people that responded to this survey.

The benefits of repurposing content are hard to deny. Businesses stated that they see engagement rates go up by 11% to 25%, with 76% of business owners saying that they saw the higher end of the spectrum. 54% were also of the opinion that this saved them a lot of time, with 52% suggesting that it improved the overall visibility of their brand. Cost effectiveness is also something worth considering, with 44% of survey respondents stating that repurposing content made it more affordable for them to manage content creation.

It will be interesting to see if this trend picks up with so many social media platforms vying for attention. X’s recent push into the video streaming space might make it a more enticing option, since it’s currently favored by just 57% of business owners.

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