41% of Marketers Say AI is Less Creative Than Them

Ever since AI broke onto the scene, a common question that people tend to ask has to do with whether or not AI will surpass human beings in terms of creativity. It turns out that Brandbuilders surveyed 185 marketers to get to the bottom of this question, and the results they received might surprise you.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 41.2% of the people that responded to this survey have said that AI just isn’t as creative as they are. 34% said that is equally creative, and 24.7% stated that it’s actually more creative. When you take a closer look at the reasoning behind each answer, you would start to notice why people think the way that they do.

For starters, 68.5% of survey respondents who said that AI is less creative or at most equally creative said that its content tends to be rather formulaic. The robotic nature of this content makes it less than ideal because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making it apparent that AI was behind it. 64.4% also pointed to the reality that AI based content generally lacks a human touch, something that is essential for giving readers the kind of experience that they are hoping for.

This survey also dived deep into how marketers feel about the quality of the content that AI produces. Unsurprisingly, the majority of survey respondents, or 54.6% to be precise, stated that AI creates content that is inferior to anything a human being could accomplish. 35.1% said that its content was just as good, with 10.3% going so far as to say that it was better.

Since 76% of marketers are of the opinion that they can easily spot AI content and differentiate it from human generated content, they might be looking to separate themselves and suggest that their work might be higher in quality. Of course, AI content will only get better from here, and it remains to be seen how marketers will react to that.

Read next: How Transparent Are Marketers About Using AI?
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