The X Platform Is Seeing Incredible Usage Growth As Stats Depict Record-Breaking Traffic

Elon Musk is raising concerns and doubts after rolling out some key stats about his X platform and its incredible performance.

The tech entrepreneur put out record-breaking traffic figures for the app that many experts feel might be a tad bit misleading in terms of the power of authenticity and value such stats hold in the first place.

The fact that he took into consideration variants like total user seconds as an indicator of how active users were on the app already had people second-guessing the world’s richest person.

Still, Musk is standing by his claims as he feels nothing can be a better indicator of usage and engagement than this. For him, it means the app is rising big time in terms of popularity.

The figures can be broken down and we’re seeing what this actually means in terms of stats usage that people would be able to relate better to.

For starters, user seconds were calculated in the past week to be 360 billion seconds each day. This is the entire time that users are spending on the platform, which is seriously so much.

When you break that down further, it is equivalent to 6 billion minutes each day and to have 253 million users on the app daily, you divide it by the total figure for minutes by the total number of users. The average comes out to be 24 minutes spent daily for each user.

This isn’t close to what the company published in terms of stats last October. It mentioned how users would spend an estimated time of 32 minutes each day on the X platform. It was lower than the figures generated by Twitter’s former team. Therefore, the topline figures certainly do look groundbreaking, but the real-time that each user continues to spend on the app keeps falling, despite Musk claiming the exact opposite.

If the average figures for user seconds are on the rise, then the number of users would be decreasing so perhaps the company is right in terms of people spending more time on the app each day but in reality, the figure for actual users active on X is falling by nearly 68 million.

Therefore, it means X would see less usage depending on the user or it serves fewer users in general. So again, that debate is very interesting, when you come to think of it.

Another stat worth mentioning is how the stats keep splitting between mobile users and those using the app on the web. As per the stats, 88% of the users use the platform through mobile phones, most likely through the app.

With such findings, it’s hard to relate to Musk’s claims about the stats linked solely to web traffic as it doesn’t entail using the app. Posts on X get indexed via Google and in the end, they attain more search traction so to claim it’s beating out Instagram in terms of usage might be flawed again.

Keeping all of these factors in mind, it is going to be so difficult to analyze if Elon Musk is just playing around or wishes to be deceptive on purpose. Maybe he really just does not understand figures and the science that goes on with them.

As experts note, the charts and methodology he’s using are not something people are agreeing to and that again is raising eyebrows.

At the end of the day, the true potential and value that any app holds in terms of a marketing strategy in place depends on the audience that’s involved and if they happen to be active or not.

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