17% of Teens Use TikTok Constantly While Meta’s Popularity Plummets

Around a decade ago, Facebook and Twitter were the favored platforms for the younger crowd. In spite of the fact that this is the case, their popularity has fallen tremendously in recent years. Facebook fell from grace after its data collection practices and outrage generating algorithm were exposed, and while Twitter clung on for a bit longer, it too saw usership plummet after Elon Musk took control of the company.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that two apps are coming in to fill the void, namely TikTok and YouTube. 93% of teens that responded to a recent Pew Survey stated that they use YouTube, with 16% of these users stating that they use it on a constant basis.

The overall proportion for TikTok is somewhat lower, with 63% of the teens that responded to this survey acknowledging that they use it, but 17% of them said that they are always using it with all things having been considered and taken into account. This seems to suggest that TikTok has more loyalty among its user base, even though a lower proportion of teens are using it.

As for Facebook, just 33% of teens are using it. Such a trend is concerning for the company because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up suggesting that it’s losing its grip on the much more valuable younger demographics. One might think that Instagram is its ace in the hole, and while the platform does better than Facebook with a 59% share of teens, this is still far short of TikTok and especially YouTube.

Facebook was used by 71% of teens in 2014, and this number has been cut to less than half in the subsequent decade. Meanwhile, Instagram has not really made up for all of this lost ground, going from 52% to 62% as of 2022 before dropping back down to 59% this year.

Snapchat is another contender with a 60% share, and its ability to cater to Gen Z might make it more valuable than might have been the case otherwise. TikTok hasn’t grown much since last year, and with a US ban on the horizon, it might not be able to hold its user base for long.

Read next: TikTok’s Winning Streak Continues As It Becomes First Non-Game Mobile App To Generate $10 Billion In Consumer Spending
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