TikTok is the Least Secure Social Media Platform, New Study Reveals

Platforms like Facebook as well as Twitter ended up facing stiff competition after TikTok threatened to supplant them thanks to its precise emphasis on Gen Z and other important demographics. Despite the stunning rise to the top that it managed to implement, it turns out that TikTok is not quite as successful in terms of offering users a decent level of privacy and security.

In a recent study conducted by Cerby, it was revealed that TikTok was the least secure platform of all, with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube surpassing it by rather large margins. Each and every one of these platforms were judged based on six parameters. These parameters were two factor authentication methods, enterprise grade authentication, role based access control, account usage profiling, privacy and enterprise ready security.

Facebook received the highest score of 3.74, followed by YouTube with 3.15. X, formerly known as Twitter, got a less impressive score of 2.95, whereas Instagram did even worse with 2.78. However, TikTok got an abysmally low score of 2.5, which seems to suggest that the platform is seriously lagging behind in one of the most critical areas that it should ideally be focusing on.

The cybersecurity company behind this study suggested that political leaders should avoid using platforms with a rating lower than 2.6 because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up putting them at risk.

It bears mentioning that the average score for social media platforms was just 2.54 back in 2022, but it has increased by 18.9% to 3.02 this year. Privacy controls in particular saw a 25% improvement, driven mostly by Facebook which indicates that the struggling platform is trying to mend its relationship with users after a series of controversies and setbacks.

If TikTok is unable to catch up to its competitors, its future might end up being not quite as rosy as it is in the here and now. Security is a paramount concern, and failing to provide users with as much security as they have reasonably come to expect could lead to a decrease in its popularity It will be interesting to see if TikTok is able to find its way out of these murky waters similarly to how Facebook managed to do so.

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