Cyber Attacks Are Getting Common in USA and Consumers Are Trying to Avoid Getting Scammed

Cyber attacks are getting more common with each passing day and a recent estimate shows that the global economy can lose up to $10.5 trillion to cyber attacks. There are a lot of faces of cyber attacks that are attacking many well known companies. Recently, a cyber attack on the Clorox company led to shortages of its products across the globe. This is how much cyber attacks can affect multi-million dollar companies. Although there were many well-versed cyber attacks in the past, they cannot compare to what type of cyber attacks are happening after the arrival of AI. From deep fake phishing scams to skilled cyber attacks, the attackers are using AI to rob companies of millions of dollars.

A survey by CivicScience shows that a lot of Americans are scared of cyber attacks and hence, avoid clicking on ads to not get scammed. Many Americans have filed complaints about their data being stolen from the websites they frequently use. By the end of 2022, about 36% of Americans reported their data being stolen. But up until 2023, this has increased up to 46%. Many companies also do not have clear cut privacy policies. So, the people always stay in doubt about their privacy. It was also reported that every 9 in 10 Americans are somewhat worried that the websites they use can steal their data without their knowledge.

Apart from hackers, 26% of Americans have also become victims of identity theft. This means that attackers have stolen their phone numbers, bank accounts, credit card and other personal information. It is being speculated that every third person in the USA will become a victim of identity theft once in their life. Many people have also stopped using identity theft protection for various reasons. The usage of these kinds of services has decreased to 36% in October from 37% in January. Americans have started using ID protection services and their usage has increased to 23% from 21%.

Apart from all these concerns, cyber attacks are also impacting consumer activities online. A total of 84% of people say that they avoid the following things to not be a victim of cyber attack: Clicking on ads online, opening random emails, using online payment applications, and banking and shopping online. Even though online banking and shopping online hasn't decreased as much, its avoidance can be seen in older generations.

Deepfake Robocall phishing scams have also seen emergence after AI. Scammers generate the voice of an acquaintance or relative using AI and scam the people. In the survey, 22% of people said that they have been personally scammed by this or know someone who was scammed by deepfake robocall. 19% of GenZ were victims to this as compared to 9% people between ages of 35-54. This shows that scams are more common in generations who actively use the internet and online apps for different purposes.

Latest Cybersecurity Trends – Consumers Avoid Clicking on Ads Due to Cybercrime Concerns

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