X's New Ad Shenanigans and the Curious Case of Reply Restrictions

Changes and experimentation in social media can be as perplexing as teaching a cat to retrieve. Twitter, now known as "X," has unveiled two unusual innovations that have raised eyebrows and left users perplexed. Prepare to be entertained by the funny story of X's unblockable adverts and its attempt to build a VIP club for replies.

The Unstoppable Ads

Consider going through your social media stream and coming across an ad you can't block, report, like, or share. It's like trying to silence a movie in a packed theater - whether you like it or not, you're stuck with it. X has launched a new ad type that transcends all conventional restrictions.

This ad format, which has no 'ad' label and is as untraceable as a ghost, has left users feeling powerless. It's the equivalent of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat and then refusing to show how they did it. Users can't even identify the advertiser because there's no associated account with these mysterious ads.

The irony in this situation is that people reported these ads to Mashable, but even the powers-that-be at X are perplexed. These advertisements have effectively converted the user experience into a game of hide-and-seek, with users losing.

Why This Matters

You may be wondering why we should care about these uncontrollable advertisements. The irony is that an influx of spammy ads on X may result in a decrease in user interaction with ads across the platform. It's the same as holding a party and having unwelcome people take over the dance floor - it spoils the atmosphere.

Moreover, this peculiar ad format could suggest that X is facing a shortage of advertisers willing to invest in targeted advertising. It's like a restaurant running out of its signature dish; something seems off. Advertisers now have the challenge of navigating this mysterious ad format to maintain meaningful interactions with users. It's like trying to have a serious conversation in a room filled with confetti and clown noses.

The Niche Addition: Verified Replies

Let's now shift gears and look at X's attempt to create a simulated VIP section for answers. Consider the following scenario: you are a user who only wants responses from verified accounts. It's like throwing a dinner party and only allowing visitors with golden tickets to attend.

X has added the option to limit your post replies to just verified people. But here's the catch: just about 0.5% of X users have the Premium package, which is required for verification. So, while it may sound exclusive, it's about as specialized as a shop selling unicorn-themed socks.

Limiting replies to verified users on a platform when the majority of activity comes from all demographics appears unproductive. It's like owning a candy shop and only allowing customers with a specific candy preference to enter.

The Incentive Dilemma

X's motives behind this move are a bit puzzling. It seems to be part of a broader vision to encourage users to opt for X Premium subscriptions, formerly known as "Twitter Blue." It's like trying to sell umbrellas in a desert – it might not make sense to most people.

By instituting a class system in which only Premium subscribers can access certain features, X is effectively saying, "Pay up or miss out." It's like a club where only members wearing the most expensive hats are allowed to dance

Finally, X's latest exploits in the realms of unblockable advertisements and reply limits have left users with more questions than answers. It's a world where the rules are as cryptic as a magic act, and exclusivity is expensive.

Read next: Twitter Rebrand May Be Costing the Platform Money
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