The Modern Guide to Phone Call Etiquette: Everything You Need to Know

The saying “first impression is the last impression” carries the psychological and sociological conviction of being true. The expression is highly accurate for several people as they are more likely to judge you on your first impression of your upcoming actions. Moreover, your first impression alters another person's perception of you being good or bad.

Therefore, making an excellent first impression is extremely important, and etiquette is the pathway to making that good lasting impression. This blog will present the latest findings on how one can make a good impression by using communication etiquette in a formal setting, particularly discussing call etiquette.

Phone calls have transcended how we communicate as they have been around for the past 147 years. In recent years, the new wave of technology has further enhanced how we communicate through smartwatch technology, enabling people to have conversations via a watch and microphone inserted inside it.

The generation gap between the young and old has caused an enormous difference in how communication is done, causing frustration and misunderstanding about call norms, making many people feel behind on how calls should be conducted.

Researchers spoke to people from different age groups and etiquette experts to understand communication dynamics through phone calls. The idea for doing this was to come up with patterns that are common in other generations so that proper guidance can be made so the majority of people can follow it to conduct the accurate way of communication with the necessary etiquette.

However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds because finding patterns is a complex task since people of different age groups with varying relationships with other people make phone calls. One generic rule applied is that the closer someone is to a person, the fewer etiquette rules are followed. A simple example might include face-timing your mother while brushing your teeth, which might be okay in a mother-son relationship. However, according to conventional teachings of etiquettes, this is disapproved.

End the habit of voicemail

According to new age communication etiquette, texting a person is far better than sending a voicemail because text messages are more efficient for communicating information precisely than sending a voicemail. Furthermore, most mobile phones have voicemails transcribed now, so the possibility of the person even listening to what you said is minimal. The only exception might be sending a voicemail without disobeying the communication etiquette if you’re contacting someone close to you, like a best friend.

Never call directly

A significant blunder that most people make that shatters all call etiquette is calling another person immediately without their permission. It is better to text the person first, get their permission to contact or at least give a thumbs up before the call so you don’t call them in time when the other person is super busy and in a situation where taking a call can lead to some concern and inconvenience.

You don’t always have to answer

Following proper call etiquette isn’t just for the caller but also for the receiver. Suppose a person is formally socializing, participating in a meeting or a restaurant with friends. Taking random calls is unnecessary in such cases because it leaves a wrong impression on the people around since the caller's attention is diverted, which shows disrespect to others. The best way is to text quickly to the person that I will talk to you later and then put the phone on silent.

Do not put the call on speakers in public spaces

One of the most annoying, embarrassing, and socially awkward things a person can do is put their phone on speakers during a call. Calling on speakers disturbs the people around you and spills the beans of your personal information being out among strangers. Although, it might seem nothing but you never know that the stranger sitting next to you can be a serial killer and use the information you discuss on speaker against you.

Photo: NoWah Bartscher/Unsplash

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