ByteDance Introduces CapCut for Business With AI Generated Scripts and Presenters

TikTok is by far the most popular app that ByteDance has managed to create up until this point, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, CapCut has ended up becoming another contender. The app can allow users to optimize their videos for TikTok, and it recently crossed the $100 million mark in consumer spending. It turns out that ByteDance is doubling down on CapCut by introducing a slew of new AI features.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that ByteDance is now introducing CapCut for Business. This version of the video editing app will incorporate AI because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up taking it to a whole other level. Businesses can use CapCut to get AI generated scripts, and they can even use AI generated presenters to market their products and services.

The tools that CapCut for Business has to offer are by no means unique, but they point towards the larger trend of AI in social media. Social media companies are rapidly adopting AI in order to cater to more businesses than might have been the case otherwise, and plummeting ad revenue certainly has a role to play in this.

Getting businesses to place ads on a platform has become a great deal harder with all things having been considered and taken into account. The deprecation of third party cookies coupled with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency protocol have led to seismic shifts in the industry, and adopting AI can allow social media platforms to make up the difference in a really big way.

The AI generated presenters are perhaps the most game changing feature introduced in CapCut for Business. They can be used in explainer videos as well as a variety of other forms of content, although the impact that this will have on the influencer industry remains to be seen. There is a chance that influencers might see their value decline as AI presenters enter the scene.

Alternatively, businesses might experiment with videos that feature AI avatars and quickly discover that users don’t like the uncanny valley effect that they create. Either way, CapCut for Business represents the future of the social media industry, and it will be interesting to see how successful it becomes.

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