Apps That Americans Can't Live Without

Social media is an integral part of life for everyone. Social media can do everything from seeking entertainment to getting the latest updates on global affairs that impact life. However, the preferences the American public gives to certain social media apps may vary from one another as some media apps are beloved. In contrast, others fall on the other side of the spectrum.

This article will highlight the most loved apps by the American Public. To cover which of the following apps grew and reduced user activity, data from June to August for the years 2022 and 2023 were compared. The following below are the detailed user activity percentages for Android and IOS users for the most used apps in America.

On the number one spot of the most used app in America is YouTube, with 243,254,287 active users in the month of August 2023. The iOS YouTube users are 67.4%, while on Android, they are 32.6%. In the second spot comes Amazon Shopping, which is not a surprise since people love shopping. E-commerce and online shopping and delivery facilities have replaced conventional shopping methods such as going to malls. Active users in August 2023 for Amazon Shopping were 236,613,964, out of which 69% were IOS users and 31% were Android. In the third position is Gmail, the most famous work networking app. The users for Gmail in August 2023 were 197,461,232. Once again, IOS users dominated the percentage of usage of the Gmail app with 64.2%, while for Android, it was 35.8%.

On the fourth spot is Google, the most famous search engine, with 173,714,677 active users in August, out of which 49.6% belonged to IOS and 50.4% to Android. The fifth spot for the most used app by the American public goes to TikTok, with 160,299,882 users in August of 2023, out of which 80% were IOS users and only 20% belonged to Android.

Other famous apps that people adore, such as Instagram, are in the 6th position with 152,747,499 active users, 68.9% being from IOS and 31.4% from Android. Facebook came in the 7th position and had 144,993,337 users, 53.4% being Android users and 46.6 IOS.

Entertainment-based apps such as Netflix came in the 22nd position and had 62,521,435 users in August 2023. Moreover, Spotify media and podcast streaming apps made the position number 24 with 53,401,464 users, of which 67.8% were IOS and 32.2% were of Android.

Google owned the most number of apps that made the list of the top 40 most used by the American public. 4 Google-owned apps were made in the top 10, while ten other apps were made in the list of top 40. Meta 3 famous apps Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger made in the top 10 list.

On the 8th position of the list appeared Temu, which is a Chinese retailer application and had 133.3 million American-based users in the month of August 2023, which is more than 50% of Amazon Shopping users.

The most declined, and the least popular used app on the top 40 list was Google Calendar, as it had 46.7 million active users in 2023 and took the position of number 28 spot. However, it's falling behind the other social calendar and productivity apps. Google Calendar active users reduced by 19.7% in a period of 3 months during the analysis. The app that lost its active users in the duration of the analysis is Hulu, as it lost 16.8%. X, which is the new name of Twitter, lost 10.8% of its active users, which is extremely shocking based on its popularity and the platforms it provides for people to share their opinions and thoughts, particularly on political matters and social issues.

H/T: Similarweb

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