Apple's iPhone Holds Steady at 39% Market Share: CIRP's Latest Findings

In the ongoing battle of smartphone supremacy, a fresh report from the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners, or CIRP, has added a new twist to the saga. Buckle up, folks, because the competition is heating up!

CIRP has just dropped a new study to give us a sneak peek into the latest showdown of mobile dominance. And let's just say, it's not what some of us expected.

According to their findings, the Apple iPhone holds a 39% share of the US smartphone market, a modest 2% increase from the previous year. But before you think that the iPhone is dominating the game, let's rewind a bit.

In 2020, iOS stood tall with a 46% market share, only to take a nosedive of nearly 10% in the two years that followed. So, the big question is, how accurate are these numbers? Well, it's a bit of a roulette, depending on factors like sample size and respondent randomness.

To spice things up, a CounterpointResearch report back in July claimed that Apple had soared to a whopping 55% market share in the US, a striking 16% difference from CIRP's recent revelation. So, who's got it right? Is the truth somewhere in the middle?

The battle rages on, and as we ponder the real iPhone market share, one thing's for sure: in the ever-shifting landscape of smartphones, only time will unveil the real champ.

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