X Owner Elon Musk Leads The Company Through His iPhone Where Employees Must Send Emails In Specific Format To Get His Attention

X owner Elon Musk certainly has a lot on his plate. After all, he’s the world’s richest person with plenty of companies calling out for his attention.

But did you know that the tech entrepreneur steers the X ship from his Apple device?

As shocking as it sounds, his employees are shedding light on how Musk has no problem juggling the popular app from the iPhone. Similarly, he also expects his staff members to generate emails in a specified format so that it’s easier to read. This was confirmed in a recently published report by the Financial Times on Wednesday.

Speaking for an interview, a group of anonymous X workers got together to shed more light on the manner and how hard it is to get his attention for something important. You cannot just send any email or document. There’s a specified formula and it means zero spreadsheets, documents, and attachments.

Elon Musk says he wants all of the data to be present inside the body of that email as reported by the Financial Times because he simply has no time to waste.

The head of the firm who is also the CEO for Tesla and SpaceX, as well as Neuralink and Borning Company mentioned that he’s a tough cookie and he’s got plenty of demands coming forward from staffers across the board. So to cater to each one of them, he needs to be very particular in terms of details.

And that’s why he had no choice but to include his executives from his other firms to assist in making the transition to X, after purchasing it last year in October for a whopping $44 billion.

Previous employees also shed light on how Elon Musk lacked the tolerance to say things in a manner that didn’t sound smart. Moreover, he needed them to admit that they didn’t know the details when they happened to be clueless about something instead of beating around the push. So yes, he adores those who are upfront and direct, very much like him.

He always spoke about how crucial it was for them to get back to him in a specific timeframe regarding any issue.

Last year in November, we saw how Elon Musk’s advisors from outside Twitter were referred to as his goons after the Twitter takeover. And that in itself said so much.

Meanwhile, one ex-employee spoke to the Financial Times today about how Elon Musk prefers people working for him who aren’t too opinionated. He wants effective operators who don’t mind taking part in the bidding process for another individual.

And it’s not like a knock for Musk. He is quite famous for having the right track record in place and ensuring things go well in his direction.

In November of last year, reports even highlighted how Elon Musk sent out ultimatums to workers at X, which was Twitter at the time, about how they needed to move toward his hardcore vision of the firm. And that means saying hello to working long and hard hours. And in case they’re not keen on that, the door is always open for them to exit or be forced to exit with a long list of layoffs being done routinely.

After taking charge of the platform, Elon Musk really did make plenty of changes to the app. This includes launching the latest $8 verification variant which is referred to as Twitter Blue. Other than that, he has reinstated accounts that were formerly banned in the past such as those belonging to leading personalities including former US President Donald Trump and even rapper Kanye West.

Photo: Photo by Trevor Cokley / U.S. Air Force Academy / Dvidshub

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