This Study Reveals What News Sources Americans Trust the Most

Getting news has become easier than ever before thanks to the presence of the internet, but the manner in which Americans receive news is also quite diverse. According to a recent analysis conducted by the Morning Consult, there is quite a bit of disparity in terms of which news sources Americans place a significant degree of trust in with all things having been considered and taken into account.

It turns out that the single most trusted news source of all is still broadcast news, with 24% of people that responded to this survey singling it out. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that cable news came in second with 17%. This just goes to show that a significant proportion of Americans continue to get their news coverage from TV, which seems to suggest that the internet has not yet replaced television at least in terms of trust.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, social media also managed to equal the level of trust seen by cable TV with 17% of the vote. Following this, news websites got their day in the sun with 13%, followed by 7% of survey respondents saying that they trusted the news that they got from the radio.

Print newspapers have long been considered to be going out of fashion, and just 6% of all survey respondents said that they trust it. Such a trend is concerning because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making it so that print news will become a thing of the past before too long.

Meanwhile, podcasts and video streaming services got 4% each, and newsletters came in dead last with just 2% of survey respondents saying that they found them to be trustworthy. Overall, there is a clear crisis of trust in the news media industry, and no single news source was able to gain the trust of a majority of survey respondents although broadcast news was at the very least able to gain a plurality of the votes.

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