Instagram Experiments With Exciting Option For Creating Reels That Are 10 Minutes Long

Meta is really making some great efforts to maximize the profits linked to its Instagram Reels and that includes carrying out internal tests in this regard.

The company wants to give its users the chance to produce Reels that are 10 minutes long. This was revealed in a recent leak.

For now, the tests wouldn’t be rolled out externally and it’s all thanks to social media expert Alessandro Paluzzi that we’re getting the latest information on this front through reversing engineering. He put out new screenshots that further went on to explain the details through his account on X.

Previously, all Reels were limited to a three-minute cut-off time, but the app now says it’s going to align the short video feature in much of the same way that we’re seeing it work for TikTok. The latter also expanded its video durations to 10 minutes, a change that arose last year in February. Hence, this rollout is certainly going to make the app go head to head with the popular video-sharing platform YouTube, experts predict.

When it gets launched officially, the longer length is certainly going to provide creators with greater time as well as flexibility while recording some of the most basic activities. This includes cooking videos, makeup tutorials, study content, and any comedy-themed sketches as well.

It wouldn’t be wrong to mention that creators have really tried hard to work around this 3-minute restriction to the best of their abilities and really did attain much success with it. But sometimes, it gets hard to cover all aspects that they might want to display but simply can’t due to the time limit for Reels.

Others noted how it makes it so much harder to search for the right videos when you’ve got a time limit attached to it. This type of change would eliminate the issue and make it simpler to view content through the app.

As popular social media apps TikTok and Instagram really make the effort to ensure a longer type of content is up for grabs in today’s evolving market, others like YouTube are really trying to promote a trend in the opposite direction through Shorts.

During this past month, we saw the company reveal how it's rolling out an expansion of tools for its creators to facilitate Shorts creation. And then 14 days later, we saw them roll out a new kind of video feed dubbed Samples. This was very much in line with the offering by TikTok for shorter video formats that are so much more personalized in theme.

The news today arises during a time when we’re seeing the Instagram app really make the most of innovation by launching several changes on the platform. One day back, the firm mentioned how it was experimenting with another option that enables creators to share comments from fans on both Reels as well as other content. This could be shared across Stories.

Meanwhile, at the start of August, we also saw the app launch the chance to include music inside picture posts to better display their favorite tunes.

Read next: How To Delete Your Instagram Account with a Simple and Fun Guide
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