ChatGPT Can Get You One Step Closer To Landing Your Dream Job But Not All Take It Seriously, New Survey Reveals

New research by Salesforce is shedding light on how the ever-so-popular ChatGPT tool could get you that dream job. But unfortunately, not a lot of people are taking that seriously and often refuse to see the benefits that this revolutionary tool brings.

The research in discussion was carried out by the San Franciso-based company, which spoke about a survey featuring close to 4,000 individuals. Moreover, the region was outlined to be the US, India, UK, and Australia. And you had people from all age groups including Gen Z and Boomers included in it too.

Speaking to Insider, more details about the study were highlighted including how people make use of Generative AI and DALL-E, in general. Moreover, any other learning model that can produce audio, code, and video was spoken about in detail.

It’s interesting how the results proved that while a lot of people were keen on making the most out of this technology for the sake of work, 38% of people did say that they used it for entertainment and to mess around. This means they were not serious as compared to the 17% who actually made the most of it to look for the right job.

If you’re still wondering where fun sits here, well, it’s been close to a year since we saw the OpenAI company launch its super popular ChatGPT tool. This was the time that really had the public in awe but it’s very true that not everyone has their heads wrapped around how to gain the most benefits so their careers are more successful.

It’s proven that the younger generation is more likely to play around with Generative AI technology to get the best laugh out of it. This is in striking comparison to that seen with older adults, as the results proved.

Out of the majority that was surveyed, 42% identified as being linked to the Gen Z lot while 39% identified as Gen X and Boomers. And then 35% identified as the millennial group.

Whatever the case may be, users are very open to the thought of making the most of AI technology to race ahead in their careers or in other words, benefit in their workplace.

Out of those surveyed, 75% claim they’re eager to make use of the technology to ensure tasks are automated in the office while others used it to produce communication at the workplace like generating emails. Meanwhile, 65% had disclosed more about how they were using AI to produce meeting notes.

The research comes at a time when a lot of people are using ChatGPT and AI technology to do a whole bunch of things like traveling, updating dating resumes, and even devising the ultimate plan for exercises. Moreover, some are even using it to the best of their ability to perform tasks linked to their profession.

But critics feel we might not be far away from that period of time before the majority actually take AI seriously. A good example linked to this had to do with how 91% of firms that were recently surveyed, as a part of another study, wished to hire those people who knew ChatGPT and its workings, in and out.

Moreover, since the start of the summer of this year, a list of companies involved in sectors like health and marketing were even putting out job offers where ChatGPT happened to be a top qualification. The same goes for big and well-reputed enterprises like Netflix and even Facebook’s parent firm Meta, who are paying big bucks for this qualification.

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